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rFactor 2 - Update Q3 & New Content

Автор: Validamar 08.08.2022, Просмотрено: 930, Категория: rFACTOR-2


Ожидание, наконец, подошло к концу, сегодня большое новое обновление, вышло третье из четырех запланированных крупных ежеквартальных уобновлений для rFactor 2 в этом году, и мы надеемся, что у вас будет возможность сесть и приятно провести время на виртуальных гоночных трассах.
Учитывая, что мы все любим сюрпризы, как насчет еще одной машины? Да, обновление Q3 2022 и DLC также будут включать потрясающий Ford Focus ST BTCC!
The Update
Client: 9261937
Dedicated Server: 9261942


Updated Track Limits System taking into account many factors to award warning points for infringements with drivers given a short amount of time post cut to give up any gained time or positions in race.
Ability to set Track Limits to None/Default/Strict
Ability to configure number of Track Limit Points before a Drive Through during race sessions.
Improved calculation of infringement during time off track, taking into account, time gained, distance travelled, throttle application, time off track, speed differentials, positions gained during race, wall riding and more.
During all sessions invalidate current lap and sometimes next lap, based on how close to the end of the lap and the size of the infringement.
During race sessions earn warning points, if 3 points are acquired in one go or you pass the cumulative point limit threshold (5 by default) a drive through is given. The size of penalty increases for extreme cuts.
Pit Lane Exit violations are now logged and penalized accordingly (May require content updates)
Disabled Pit Exit violations by default on Ovals in none race sessions and added ability to customize which sessions have Pit Exit limits enforced via GDB or RFM.
Wrong Way Driving calculations have been tweaked to be more lenient when far from the track.
Strict mode intended for eSports, has harsher thresholds and invalidates all off track laps in non race sessions.
Improved logging options and ModDev options for analysing cuts.
Support for up to 16 input devices
Added chat message indicating when there are latency issues and collision is turned off.

Added current Track Limits points to Penalties MFD Page in Race Sessions.

Driver labels now correctly depth buffer regardless of display mode
Added Light Dust Particle Profile
Expanded Decal Features on IBL Road Shader
Fixed orange ambient bug

The first launch wizard controls configuration can now be re-run from the “Calibrate controls” page
Moved “Electronics” setup settings (TC and ABS) under the “Engine” heading, which has been renamed to “Engine & electronics”
Fixed damage multiplier setting description in singleplayer session settings
Moved damper setup settings to their own tab
Fixed sporadic empty car list on server join
Added “Track Limits Rules” singleplayer setting
Added “Track Limits Points Allowed” singleplayer race setting
Added Tender Springs to suspension setup page
Added description/tooltip to Tender Springs setup
Improved description/tooltip for Traction Control and ABS
Fixed alphabetical sorting of opponent filters and opponents list
Fixed race countdown timer format for duration longer than one minute
Updated Aston Martin logo
Added a button to refresh the setup list
Added two settings into the “Visuals” column in graphics settings to adjust the vertical and horizontal position of the Track Limits Info (TLI) screen
Fixed alphabetical sorting of car selection list

Dynamic track temperatures based on weather conditions and cars driving on track
Added a toggle to load temperatures from real road files on main game/moddev/dedi
Added improved anti-lock braking and traction control systems. (Only available on the TEST version of the McLaren Senna GTR)
Added Traction Control Power Cut map to control the amount of TC to apply. (Only available for the new TC)
Added Traction Control Slip Angle map to control the target (maximum) slip angle before TC activates. (Only available for the new TC)
Added ABS/TC dash LEDs which show the amount of slip and show when the systems activate
Added Tender Springs functionality (Only available on the TEST version of the Porsche 991 GT3 Cup)
Fixed ABS/TC aid through settings

Cars that lag too much or teleport will have collision disabled for 5 seconds.
Network speeds now enforce the player limit to max out at the highest acceptable number the connection can support

Fixed loops not restarting correctly
Fixed loud audio spike when loading into multiplayer sessions
Fixed random shift sounds in the garage
Separated TC and Pit Limiter events
Fixed audio loop points
Fixed spotter and start lights not playing or being delayed
Fixed game startup without audio device or with +nosound enabled
Performance: Sound system now uses another thread, eliminating random frame time spikes and improving game performance
Fixed tracks with lots of ambient sounds not playing any sound at all in some conditions
Fixed other cars crashing online playing crash sounds on the player car
Fixed HRTF selection
Fixed a rare crash when crashing sounds play

Live Stream Overlay
Updated broadcast overlay live timing page
Fixed live timing page not loading
You can now customize the styling with custom CSS (custom_livetiming.css)
Added CSS classes: car class for each row and last sticky row
Added car class and team name columns
Added car livery images
Added tire icon
Added configurable scrolling and multiclass mode

Batched loading warning pop up messages together for fewer popups (Dev Mode/Scene Viewer)
Added warning popup for assets exported with default LOD Out for optimization debugging (Dev Mode/Scene Viewer)
Added cancel button to show no more messages that session (Dev Mode/Scene Viewer)
Fixed various content issues with Showrooms and Joesville (Dev Mode/Scene Viewer)
Added Sideview_UI showroom to ModDev for UI screenshots of cars.
Fixed an issue in MapConverter where it would crash with textures named *_M_<type>.TGA
Added “FarLight” parameter to IBL Shaders in Material Adjust section. This allows us to set materials to be in shadow beyond shadow cascades.
Fixed crash when no AIW file present

Known Issues
UI – Steering lock second bracket is cut off

Real Road 2.0

С этими новыми изменениями, теперь трасса имеет элемент динамической функциональности, когда температура поверхности, влияет на поведение и уровень сцепления автомобиля, и на них могут влиять различные факторы. На эти температурные изменения могут влиять такие факторы, как географическое положение, облачность, время суток, температура окружающей среды.
Для водителя это означает, что каждая трасса будет предлагать разные уровни сцепления и вызывать разный износ шин в зависимости от факторов, указанных выше.

Car Updates

Toyota Corolla BTCC v1.17
Fixed logo issue on skins
Updated camera position
Fix for drag reduction with rake

Infiniti Q50 BTCC 1.15
Fixed logo issue on skins
Fix for drag reduction with rake

Formula E 2022 v1.07
Fixed right mirror not adjusting

Porsche GT3 Cup v1.41
Added tender springs

McLaren Senna v1.15
Upgraded to new sound engine
Added new TC and ABS
Added shift protection
Added new engine cooling
Minor sound tweaks
Added ABS and TC LED bars to display
Made all three TC options say off when set to 0

Oreca LMP2 v3.03
Added new TC options

GTE Cars v3.11
Added new TC options
Updated TC and pit limiter sounds

BMW M8 GTE v3.11
Removed high poly rear wing collision model

Corvette C8R GTE v3.11 & Ferrari 488 GTE v3.11
Updated engine starter sound
Seat height adjustment fixed

Dallara IR18 v1.67
Fixed numbers not displaying on score tower
Fixed push to pass working on ovals
Added talent file

Kart Cup 2014 v2.04
Removed tilt in cockpit camera

Track Updates

Donington v1.11
Fixed Start Light Sequencing
Various AI Improvements including Craner Curves & Old Hairpin (GP & National)
Various Cut Corridor Updates
Improved AI lines into Craner Curves & Old Hairpin (GP & National)
Various minor AI tweaks
Fixed cut corridors at pit entry

Indianapolis v1.22
Fixed Oval Safety Car Location
Updated Curbs on Modern GP layout T6-T7 for 2021
Reviewed Cut Corridors on RC & GP layouts
Adjusted Concrete Road bumpiness
Minor LOD optimization
Minor Collision Fixes
Fixed minor collision issue
Tweaks to AIW on Road Course layout
Fixed objects with default lodding
Updated RRBIN
Fixed Oval Safety Car Pit Lane Position

Zandvoort v2.61
Added new Grandstands and Paddock Assets to GP layout
Fixed Pit Door Sequencing
Fixed AI Fuel Calculations

Le Mans v2.83
Added 2022 Layout with accurate advertisement
Updated materials on roads, curbs, grass, gravel traps etc
Added extra decals to surfaces
Fine tuned night time glare
Fixed some issues with TDF settings
Fixed some armco smoothing issues
Fixed a material error on road lines resulting in some lines not being tar-ed out.
Fine tuned Cut Track detection
Stricter cut track on tight turn apexes
Fixed floating MMA advertisement sign issues before Ford Chicanes
Updated Specular settings for groove on road and curbs
Fixed various minor advertising issues
Corrected some minor GDB issues on 2022 layout
Updated concrete porsche curves run off on 2022 layout

Nordschleife v2.37
Various material updates to Terrain, Foliage and Barriers
Various minor texture fixes
Various optimizations to decal object groupings
Various minor LOD optimizations
Added CBASH & RRSHD for faster loading

New Content – Cars
BTCC Pack 2


BTCC Car Park 2 | Магазин Steam: Нажмите ЗДЕСЬ

Caterham Academy (free car)

Caterham Academy | Магазин Steam: Нажмите ЗДЕСЬ

Mini Vintage

Mini Vintage | Магазин Steam: Нажмите ЗДЕСЬ

World Wide Technology Raceway

World Wide Technology Raceway | Магазин Steam: Нажмите ЗДЕСЬ

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