
rFactor 2 - Formula BMW v1.15



Slow Motion Group выпустил новую версию мода Formula BMW v1.15 для rFactor 2. Формула-БМВ — юниорский автогоночный формульный чемпионат одноместных болидов. Он находится на нижней ступени престижности автоспорта, наряду с уже созданной Формулой-Форд. Так же как и в Формуле-Форд, чемпионат предназначен для перехода гонщиков из картинга.


– new full flex chassis developed using the specific online tool of Chris
– new steering wheel options developed as above
– new engine developed as above
– AIs tuned for working at 95% vs. humans
– braking torque: decreased, but of course pushing hard, mostly the inner wheel lock as I suppose to be right
– AI starting: improved a little, now you can overtake only one line, maybe…
– tuned the stiffness of the chassis, to avoid unwanted oversteering exiting med corners and to have a well balanced car like the original rF1 version, but with the new technology and enhancements of rF2
– gears: I discovered an unused final into the original mod and I apply it with a little tuning
– recalculated several values in the realtime section of the tires (TGM) to improve them
– new rear wet tires (TGM)
– new TBC file (of course)
– new opponents classes, now identifiable with full initials (i.e. FBMW2005ASIA, FBMW2006USA, etc…) for an easier choice
– new talents file with tuned values
– improved the resolution of some items into the cockpit


Сайт: Сообщество Виртуального Автоспорта
Автор: Validamar