
ACC - V1.3.4 and V1.3.5 Hotfix

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Changelog v1.3.4
Fixed inconsistent F6 cameras for some of the Evo cars.
The driver stint message now correctly follows if the maximum driving time left is shorter than the current stint time.
Fixed “Max Time Left” widget behavior in single-car sessions.
MP: Fixed visual damage not resetting for swapped cars with repair
MP: Added live electronics settings transferring across swaps (TC, ABS, BBias, Map).
MP: Added new chat command to hand over the car during FP and Q sessions: “§swap X” (where X is the number of the target driver in the team list; 1 selects the first entry). NOTE: the player giving away the car in the garage screen must not press the Setup button!
Rating: Fixed wrong rating data when loading savegames or swapping into cars.
MP: Added server admin handbook v7.

Changelog v1.3.5
MP: Fixed total driving time counter behavior in MP. Now total driving time correctly freezes on pit entry and resumes on pit exit.
Minor fix to the time multiplier display on session summary.
Stint timer is now linked to the timing HUD when auto-repositioning.

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Автор: Validamar