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RaceRoom - Update & Patch

Автор: Validamar 28.11.2016, Просмотрено: 2062, Категория: Sector3
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Компания Sector3 Studios выпустила небольшой патч для RaceRoom. В ноябре 15-го студия выпустила крупное обновление в котором был большой список новых функций и улучшений. К сожалению, после обновления, в игре появились проблемы с долгой загрузкой сервера. Команда разработчиков исправила эту проблему и улучшила оптимизацию.
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Fixed an issue with rules presets not functioning in Single Event Mode.
Made the Manual Control of Depth of Field bindable in control settings.
Fixed so the mandatory pitstop window is now defined by a percentage of the total race time.
Fixed a rare crash that was occurring when coming back to main menu.
Added support for Thrustmaster TS-PC Racer steering wheel.

Fixed so Race 2 / Race 3 sessions are working as intended.
Fixed so reversed grid option in MP is working as intended.
Made a potential fix for cars that would disappear and remain invisible for long periods.
Sounds, Cameras, Physics, AI

Bathurst : New sets of TV cameras

Hungaroring : Resurface job to reduce bumpiness.

Portal & Backend
Various fixes and further optimizations in the backend to improve loading times caused by certain packs containing too many items.
Changed so the packs are no longer re-purchasable after it gets a new content added.
Added so the Car Class Packs appear under Packs section.
Fixed cancel and close buttons on some portal popups not working.

Сайт разработчиков - game.raceroom.com
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