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Automobilista 2 – v1.0.5.6 Hotfix

Автор: Validamar 17.11.2020, Просмотрено: 1440, Категория: Reiza Studios


Reiza Studios выпустила новое дополнение v1.0.5.6, чтобы исправить несколько проблем, появившихся в последнем выпуске обновления. Кроме того, патч также содежит схему 24h Endurance для Нюрбургринга. (DLC «Нюрбургринг» для Automobilista 2 доступен в Steam за 8,99 евро.)

Примечание: из-за последних изменений физики настройки автомобилей Porsche должны быть сброшены до значений по умолчанию.
V1.0.5.6 Changelog
Added Nurburgring 24h Endurance Layout
Added support to order Vehicle group filters alphabetically (original sorting)
Fixed class list scroll bar on Vehicle browser
Fixed helper spring implementation bug causing deflection to subtract from vehicle´s suspension travel (fixes issues with Porsches bouncing on bump stops & AI cars occasionally rolling because of it)
Adjusted Porsche Cup FFB max force
Adjusted engine compression curves for Mercedes GT3, Stock Cars, Montana (slightly reduced engine braking in all)
Adjusted Traction Control base slip to allow for more slip before system kicks in
Porsche Cup AI wet tire calibration pass
Nurburgring / Nordschleife various fixes & adjustments to render and materials; tweaks to outer terrain geometry & grass/terrain texture blending, car park around Youtube corner, LOD distance tweaks, fixed grasscrete material in GP segment; reduced Reduced tire barrier flickering for Nordschleife layout; adjusted some TVcameras to minimize shimmering issues (still more to fix)
Camaro GT4R: Corrected brake and tail lights color
Mercedes 190E: Fixed cockpit red materials
MetalMoro AJR: Fixed head and brake lights
Super V8: Fixed head and brake lights

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