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Sim Race
СЛЕДУЮЩАЯ ГОНКА: TOURING CLASS BTCC (2024) на треке Sebring Вторник 24 Декабря.

Automobilista 2 - V1.2.4.1 & Monza DLC

Автор: Validamar 04.10.2021, Просмотрено: 2429, Категория: Reiza Studios


Reiza Reiza Studios выпустила новое дополнение V1.2.4.1. В нашем обновлении есть еще один внушительный список улучшений и исправлений, а также новый DLS контент. Проверьте полный список в теме, для более подробной информации.


Added Monza featuring Modern GP, Junior, 1971 GP, 1971 Junior, 1971 10Km, 1971 10Km without chicane, 1991 GP layouts (all part of the Monza DLC Package)

Added support for Thrustmaster SF1000
Implemented Real Weather API for 5 days in the past and 4 days in the future from today
Improved status messages related to real/historic weather availability
Fixed real historic weather for circuits that lay in half-hourly timezones
Real Weather now uses real/forecast data for wind speeds.
Added Real Weather databases for Monza and Salvador
Updated recent historic weather data for all other locations
Fixed error in Curitiba Real Weather that was causing weather data to not be found by the game
Fixed valid weather API response failing to parse in some cases
Fixed a case where a weather API call wouldn't be made when it should
Fixed Championship Editor not persisting mandatory stop setting correctly


Reorganized and refreshed session overview and pre-event leaderboards to increase number of rows and allow grouping by class.
All in-game environment information (time/temp etc) is now updated live on all screens.
Added event session information, current vehicle setup, and current pit strategy to session overview and pre-event screens.
Fixed lobby page starting in wrong state
Fixed Per Vehicle FFB input on setup screen not capturing mouse movement
Fixed pedal bar overlap on telemetry HUD
Adjusted loading screens to show real weather icon when appropriate

Further minor tire tread adjustments for GT3, GTE, StockV8, F-Ultimate F-Reiza, F-V12, F-Classic, DPi & P1 cars
StockV8 2019: Minor aero revision
F-Ultimate: Added custom track ERS maps optimizing boost for straights in all GP layouts
Corrected extreme weather tire tread for F-Reiza & F-Ultimate
Ultima GTR Race: Revised default setup
Adjusted parked FFB forces for several cars to reduce rattling while standing still
Increased default steering lock setting for several cars with high steering rotation

Improved AI overtaking logic
Improved AI behaviour when behind a slower car in Practice/Qualifying sessions.
Adjusted AI lateral movements for smoother / more natural reactions
Decreased AI performance in 70-100% Strength range
Improved AI blue flag behaviour
Adjusted AI brake power & grip
Various adjustments to AI overtaking parameters
AI corner & straightline callibration passes
Adjusted AI wet launch performance for GTs & F-Ultimate
Taruma: Adjusted AI line to keep AI from leaving the track at T7 entry
Fixed duplicated F-Ultimate driver (Patrice Daigneau)
Minor GT Classics AI adjustment

Updated grass roll sample
Fixed issue where skidding on grass at high speed could trigger tarmac skidding sounds
F_Ultimate: Fixed missing exhaust sound for local reverb
Opala (all variants): Fixed missing startup sounds.
Passat HC: fixed low RPM sound mixing
F-Retro: Adjusted startup sound
F-Classic G2M1: Improved sound loops, fixed missing startup sound
Montana: fixed missing startup sound
Fixed recently introduced issue with interior engine sound on late 70's DFV engined formulas & polished some loops
Porsche RSR '74: polished all engine loops
Sauber C9 Increased backfire off throttle, polished some loops
BMW M1 Procar: Polished all engine loops

Montreal: Minor LOD adjustments
Various 3D crowd LOD adjustments
Hockenheim 1988 GP/Short: Moved rolling start location


F-Vintage (all models): Detached the cockpit gear shift; Adjusted the driver feet position on cockpit view; Adjusted hand animations during gear changes
Mini JCW UK: Detached cockpit gear shifter; Adjusted hand animations during gear changes
Iveco Truck: Added driver animations; Fixed cockpit camera; Detached cockpit gear shifter; Fixed driver outfit assignment.
ARC Camaro: Added dirt/damage texture; Added dangling damaged parts; Changed the driver model; Detached the gear shifter on the cockpit; Adjusted the driver shifting animation; Revised collision models; Changed wiper position and Changed the bonnet model to allow the bonnet to be detached when damaged; Added the inner bonnet bits on cockpit view; Merged the boot with the rear wing; Adjusted the cockpit view to match the driver model position; Changed the cockpit interior to make room for the driver legs; fixed driver LODs; Fixed cockpit rear view camera
Metalmoro AJR: Fixed missing gear indicator in LCD display
Stock Cruze & Corolla 2021: Added livery overrides
Porsche RSR 74: Fixed cockpit steering wheel´s pivot position
F309: Fixed RPM lights
MetalMoro AJR: New display layout; Fixed car thumbnails
BMW M8 GTE: Corrected rpm lights
Ginneta G40 GT5/CUP: Add gauges glow
Corvette C3: Added gauges lights

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