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СЛЕДУЮЩАЯ ГОНКА: TOURING CLASS BTCC (2024) на треке Sebring Вторник 24 Декабря.

rFactor 2 - Build 10419030

Автор: Validamar 28.01.2023, Просмотрено: 789, Категория: rFACTOR-2


Команда rFactor 2 выпустила новое обновление. Build: 10419030 содержит множество улучшений, физики и других исправлений, проверьте полный список в теме, для более подробной информации.

Build: 10419030
Dedi: 10419038


Added toggle for motion blur
Added various missing materials for motion blur mask
Fix for incorrect names in ui workshop items
New feature to scrape workshop item names
Fixes for local content trying to re-install on restart and workshop items remaining subbed after a failed uninstall
Fix for stuck popup in start up with auto updates disabled

Added “+VR” command line option to launch the game using VR. Added new steam option when starting game.
Added “Steam Matchmaking Broadcast” option to Multiplayer.json. This will allow the server to be hidden from matchmaking. Current matchmaking status will be shown on the Dedicated Server UI.

New electric motor implementation (used for BTCCcars) including
Electric Motor map - Added to onboard controls (not in gui yet)
Regeneration map - Added to onboard controls (not in gui yet)
Push to Pass map - Added to onboard controls (not in gui yet)
Updated p2p system with new options to accommodate BTCC:
Time limit per lap
Minimum gear activation requirement
Minimum time between activations
Turn off when crossing start/finish
Fixed bug where SteeringInnerTable wasn’t always properly applied

Tweaked PostFX profiles for more realistic depth of field on broadcast cameras

Improved management of driver fuel calculations, making sure that we only update when a fully valid lap has been completed.
Fixed error in default calculations which would mean with fuel scalars, AI would not add extra fuel to tank
Improved logic for cars leaving pits in practice and qualifying sessions. Encouraging AI to use up all laps, and making sure they attempt to set a lap time in short sessions.
Fix for AI being prevented from passing when pitting in on a race lap

Cockpit Display now shows Brake Bias correctly as the bias to the front in whole percent.

Package Management
Package states now show as orange when an operation is in progress

Added fuel to various ModDev debug screens (Driver and Vehicle screens)
Added new cockpit elements:

Known issues
Installing items from the content page requires a second request to install via the "updates" page
Cancel updates button is unresponsive
Motion blur does not work without SSR set to medium or higher
Motion blur sometimes activates when it should not

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