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Sim Race
СЛЕДУЮЩАЯ ГОНКА: TOURING CLASS BTCC (2024) на треке Sebring Вторник 24 Декабря.
Добавлено: 08.02.2012 19:55:08#1
И.Ф: Alex Railyan
Возраст: 41
Сообщения: 7
Спасибо сказали: 28 раз(а)
Дата регистрации: 19.01.2011
Руль: Keyboard
Если кому интересно, мембершип на 3 месяца за 9 долларов.

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Добавлено: 09.02.2012 18:44:46#2
И.Ф: Vadim Egorov
Возраст: 40
Сообщения: 3832
Спасибо сказали: 1071 раз(а)
Дата регистрации: 18.01.2010
Руль: Thrustmaster T300
Да ну их с этими расценками
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Добавлено: 09.02.2012 21:25:23#3
И.Ф: Alex Railyan
Возраст: 41
Сообщения: 7
Спасибо сказали: 28 раз(а)
Дата регистрации: 19.01.2011
Руль: Keyboard
Цитата (Validamar @ 09.02.2012 22:44:46)
Да ну их с этими расценками

за качество стоит платить. по этому коду выходит 3 доллара в месяц...

базового контента хватает на первые 3 месяца...

дальше 10 долларов в месяц (если платить раз в 3 месяца).

а вот если захочется что по серьезней, тогда по 12 долларов за авто и 15 за отсканированную трассу.

вот еще дисконты: http://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=131900
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Добавлено: 09.02.2012 22:57:09#4
И.Ф: Vadim Egorov
Возраст: 40
Сообщения: 3832
Спасибо сказали: 1071 раз(а)
Дата регистрации: 18.01.2010
Руль: Thrustmaster T300
рфактор2 есть уже, скоро будет релиз, также и гтр3 выйдет, следом и лфс. смысл уже с неткара, больше рекламы в нем. денег дерут с людей
ВверхПожаловаться на сообщениеСказать спасибоПросмотр профиля
Добавлено: 09.02.2012 23:30:24#5
И.Ф: Alex Railyan
Возраст: 41
Сообщения: 7
Спасибо сказали: 28 раз(а)
Дата регистрации: 19.01.2011
Руль: Keyboard
Цитата (Validamar @ 10.02.2012 02:57:09)
рфактор2 есть уже, скоро будет релиз, также и гтр3 выйдет, следом и лфс. смысл уже с неткара, больше рекламы в нем. денег дерут с людей

хм, неткар кстати еще не отдал концы? они начали другой проект http://www.assettocorsa.net/

на счет iRacing-а:
дерут за содержание сей системы...


1. качество

2. постоянные обновления

3. соперники - настоящие пилоты и всякие звери вроде mooney, huttu, и т.д.
большинство, кто сидел на LFS-е, перешли в iRacing.
в системе как минимум 20.000 действующих симрейсера, постоянно в онлайне 2000-3000...

4. так же, Safety Rating делает гонки более интересными и менее аварийными.

и т.д. и т.п.
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Добавлено: 09.02.2012 23:39:38#6
И.Ф: Vadim Egorov
Возраст: 40
Сообщения: 3832
Спасибо сказали: 1071 раз(а)
Дата регистрации: 18.01.2010
Руль: Thrustmaster T300
поглядим чего будет
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Добавлено: 10.02.2012 12:14:46#7
И.Ф: Simion Nacu
Сообщения: 579
Спасибо сказали: 159 раз(а)
Дата регистрации: 05.04.2011
Руль: Thrustmaster TX Racing Wheel Leather Edition
Сервис стоит того... может 12 или 10 баксов это чуть дорого, но 9$ за 3 месяца, грех не взять.
30 лей в месяц, на один обед больше уходит! А сдесь целый месяц фана :.

И как у всех "АйШтучек" ... it just works.

Плюсов наверное не перечислить, но если времени нема и просто хочетса поиграть и не брать всё слишком серёзно, то любой другой сим сойдёт.

Спасибо сказали RusTiK
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Добавлено: 10.02.2012 18:13:40#8
И.Ф: Vadim Egorov
Возраст: 40
Сообщения: 3832
Спасибо сказали: 1071 раз(а)
Дата регистрации: 18.01.2010
Руль: Thrustmaster T300
Цитата (FormulaS1 @ 10.02.2012 16:14:46)

но если времени нема и просто хочетса поиграть и не брать всё слишком серёзно, то любой другой сим сойдёт.

Вот времени толком и нету *UNKNOWN*
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Добавлено: 21.05.2012 18:42:04#9

Возраст: 54
Спасибо сказали: раз(а)
Дата регистрации: 01.01.1970

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ВверхПожаловаться на сообщениеСказать спасибоПросмотр профиля
Добавлено: 29.06.2012 09:02:01#10
И.Ф: Alex Railyan
Возраст: 41
Сообщения: 7
Спасибо сказали: 28 раз(а)
Дата регистрации: 19.01.2011
Руль: Keyboard
iRacing бесплатно

Спасибо сказали FormulaS1 RusTiK
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Добавлено: 29.06.2012 10:41:44#11
И.Ф: Simion Nacu
Сообщения: 579
Спасибо сказали: 159 раз(а)
Дата регистрации: 05.04.2011
Руль: Thrustmaster TX Racing Wheel Leather Edition
Спасибо за сылку... халявные 6 месяцов...очень не плохо)
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Добавлено: 26.03.2013 19:48:36#12
И.Ф: Alex Railyan
Возраст: 41
Сообщения: 7
Спасибо сказали: 28 раз(а)
Дата регистрации: 19.01.2011
Руль: Keyboard
5:10 (delta time)

Спасибо сказали RusTiK
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Добавлено: 25.07.2014 16:09:32#13
И.Ф: Vadim Egorov
Возраст: 40
Сообщения: 3832
Спасибо сказали: 1071 раз(а)
Дата регистрации: 18.01.2010
Руль: Thrustmaster T300
uploads/news/329/174436.jpgiRacing выпустил третье обновление 2014 года. В новой версии добавлена трасса Донингтон и автомобиль Chevrolet Camaro Class B. Так же все автомобили переведены на последнюю модель шин версии 5, это значительно улучшило степень износа. На некоторых автомобилях реализована модель перегрева шин, в результате чего при перегреве время круга значительно ухудшается. В качестве визуальных эффектов добавлены вспышки выхлопной системы, на разных машинах будут появляться при разных условиях. А в течение гонки автомобили будут покрываться пылью, при этом они будут становиться матовыми.

Подробности на официальном сайте разработчиков: http://www.iracing.com

Спасибо сказали OvtcharenkoAlexei FormulaS1
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Добавлено: 16.11.2014 17:03:26#14
И.Ф: Vadim Egorov
Возраст: 40
Сообщения: 3832
Спасибо сказали: 1071 раз(а)
Дата регистрации: 18.01.2010
Руль: Thrustmaster T300
uploads/news/349/164433.jpgВ честь проведения выставки автомобильной продукции SEMA SHOW 2014, которая проходит ежегодно в Лас-Вегасе, компания iRacing.com запустила новую промо-акцию, по условиям которой все желающие могут совершенно бесплатно приобрести подписку на гоночный симулятор iRacing сроком на 3 месяца.

Чтобы воспользоваться данным предложением, введите код PRSEMA2014 на странице регистрации в поле Promotion Code. Данная акция действительна только для приобретения новых аккаунтов и продлится до 31 декабря 2014 года.

При регистрации по акции вы получаете базовый контент, в который включено 7 автомобилей и 10 трасс и сможете пользоваться сервисом iRacing в течении трех месяцев.

Подробности на официальном сайте разработчиков: http://www.iracing.com

Спасибо сказали FormulaS1
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Добавлено: 11.03.2017 21:44:42#15
И.Ф: Vadim Egorov
Возраст: 40
Сообщения: 3832
Спасибо сказали: 1071 раз(а)
Дата регистрации: 18.01.2010
Руль: Thrustmaster T300


Компания iRacing.com выпустила обновление второго сезона 2017 года. Обновление включает в себя много исправлений и улучшений, оптимизирована трасса Имола, обновлен звуковой движок, значительна изменена шинная модель. Всеми ожидаемого в iRacing грязевого контента в обновлении не будет, его отсрочили на несколько недель, в связи с подписанием партнерства с североамериканской автоспортивной группой World of Outlaws, выпуск перенесли на 29 марта.



– 32-bit versions of Windows, and running the 32-bit version of the simulation, has been unsupported by iRacing for some time now. As of this build, we have removed the 32-bit versions of the Simulation and other software from our distribution. You will no longer be able to install or run iRacing on 32-bit versions of Windows.

– DirectX 9 support within the Simulation has been deprecated for some time now. As of this build, we have removed the DirectX 9 versions of the Simulation from our distribution. We now only support DirectX 11.

– – The removal of the DirectX 9 version of the Sim will also now make the Sim incompatible with Wine software that allows the Sim to run on Mac OSX and Linux machines. However, you can continue to use your Mac computer to run the Sim using Apple’s Boot Camp utility and install a 64-bit version of Windows.


– Speed up release of automatic parking assist brake when using a lot of throttle, to eliminate momentary brake drag when launching a car.

Dynamic Track

– Updated the mipmapping on marbles textures.


– A new graphics option to adjust Sharpening Strength has been added to the .ini file. This is very helpful for Virtual Reality users, as it enhances edges and reduces blurriness.

– A new graphics option to enable Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing (FXAA) has been added to the .ini file. This enhances anti-aliasing and makes pixels forming the edges of objects on the screen transition smoother between each other.

– In the Graphics Options screen, the text color of all post-processing effects that require a Sim restart to function has been changed. An asterisk explaining this has also been added.

– Enabled the super-high resolution screenshot functionality using DirectX 11.

– The Ghost Car should now be less opaque the closer it is to you.

– Fixed a crash caused by headlight textures when Particle Detail was set to Low.

– Fixed an issue with heat haze and screen resolution.

– Fixed an issue with the Matte-Chrome settings for rims using PBR Shaders.

– Fixed an issue with night shadows being darker than intended and for shadows on self-lit geometry.


– Particle debris performance has been improved.

– Fixed an issue where particles could be seen coming into the cockpit through the car body.


– Driver arms now interpolate better in slow-mo, so steering animations will no longer appear choppy in slow motion.

– Hand-over-hand animations have been added or updated on the following vehicles:

– – Aston Martin DBR9 GT1

– – Audi Quattro GTO

– – Audi R8 LMS GT3

– – Cadillac CTS-V Racecar

– – Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT

– – Chevrolet Corvette C7 Daytona Prototype

– – Dallara DW12

– – Ford Falcon FG V8

– – Formula Renault 2.0

– – Holden Commodore VF V8

– – HPD ARX-01c

– – Mercedes-AMG GT3

– – NASCAR K&N Pro Chevrolet Impala

– – NASCAR XFINITY Chevrolet Camaro

– – NASCAR XFINITY Ford Mustang

– – NASCAR XFINITY Toyota Camry

– – Nissan GTP ZXT

– – Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Car (991)

– – Ruf RT 12R

Pace Car

– Safety cars may now be selected for hosted sessions!

– – A drop-down labeled “Safety Car” has been added to the “Optional Settings” section of the hosted session setup.

– – The default selection is always “Default” which means the current safety car for the track type is used (Mustang for Ovals, Ruf RT 12R for Road).

– – The available safety cars can change depending on the type of track selected.


– Filth threshold for triggering an automatic visor tear-off has been reduced.


– Two new Indycar spotter packs have been included in this build:

– – Chris Wheeler – Chris has been on the spotter stand for over 10 years and currently is the eye in the sky for Indycar racer Sebastien Bourdais.

– – Darren Manning – Darren is an English racer who formerly raced Indycar for Chip Ganassi Racing.

– Fixed an issue with the toggling of the spotter calling out lap times.


– A camera cut is now forced when switching between any cameras during a slow motion replay.

Virtual Reality

– The sound system is now aware of VR headset movement, and will now move and rotate the sounds to match your movements.

– – There is a UI option to enable/disable headset audio rotation. By default this setting is on, for headphone support. But if you use external speakers (such as a surround sound system) with your VR headset you should turn this setting off.

– The VR mirror output (Rift/Vive) now zooms to fill the entire window, rather than black boxing the image.


– Club Canada logos updated.

– Club Michigan logos updated.


– Rearranged how we initialize force feedback devices.


Aston Martin DBR9 GT1

– Season setups have been updated.

– Updated tires to reflect GT3 development, and are aimed at better over-the-limit feel. Drivetrain inertias and stiffnesses also updated to better match real life data.

Audi Quattro GTO

– Season setups have been updated.

– Updated drivetrain inertias and stiffnesses to improve the responsiveness of the engines when blipping out of gear, and show some oscillation when shifting gears.

Audi R8 LMS GT3

– Updated drivetrain inertias and stiffnesses to improve the responsiveness of the engines when blipping out of gear, and show some oscillation when shifting gears.

– Significant update to tire construction and compound. Setups will need to be updated both to pass tech and to extract performance from each car. We think this is a big step forward in over-the-limit feel of the tires, but are aware of the risk that the GT3 BoP will be upset. We will be looking to you for help in ensuring a good BoP for the race season ahead.

– New drivetrain, transmission, gear shift, and brake sounds have been added.


– Season setups have been updated.

– Updated drivetrain inertias and stiffnesses to improve the responsiveness of the engines when blipping out of gear, and show some oscillation when shifting gears.

– Significant update to tire construction and compound. Setups will need to be updated both to pass tech and to extract performance from each car. We think this is a big step forward in over-the-limit feel of the tires, but are aware of the risk that the GT3 BoP will be upset. We will be looking to you for help in ensuring a good BoP for the race season ahead.

– New drivetrain, transmission, gear shift, and compressor sounds have been added.

– Rear brake and tail lights now display properly at night tracks.

Cadillac CTS-V Racecar

– Season setups have been updated.

– Updated tire construction and compound aimed at better over-the-limit feel. Also tried to reign performance levels back down to more realistic levels (~2 seconds slower over a 1:20 lap) without compromising feel. Driver aids (ABS and traction control, if applicable) were re-calibrated to suit the tires. Drivetrain inertias and stiffnesses also updated to be more realistic.

– This car has been converted to use PBR shaders.

Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1

– Season setups have been updated.

– Updated tires to reflect GT3 development, and are aimed at better over-the-limit feel. Drivetrain inertias and stiffnesses also updated to better match real life data.

Chevrolet Corvette C7 Daytona Prototype

– Season setups have been updated.

– Updated tire construction and compound aimed at better over-the-limit feel. Also changed drivetrain inertias and stiffnesses.

– Fixed a bug with the rotation of the brake bias knob in opponent cars.

Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS

– Season setups have been updated.

– This car has been converted to use PBR shaders.

Dallara DW12

– Season setups have been updated.

Ford Falcon FG V8

– Improved drivetrain, transmission, and idle noises.

– Updated drivetrain inertias and stiffnesses to improve the responsiveness of the engines when blipping out of gear, and show some oscillation when shifting gears.

– Audio mix for engine and transmission sounds has been improved.

– Fixed an issue where the rotor glow was displaying incorrectly at various speeds.

Ford GT

– Season setups have been updated.

– Updated drivetrain inertias and stiffnesses to improve the responsiveness of the engines when blipping out of gear, and show some oscillation when shifting gears.

– Updated tire construction and compound aimed at better over-the-limit feel.

– Tires have been converted to use PBR shaders.

– New gear shift sounds have been added.

– Improved engine and transmission audio mix.

– This car in the Paint Kit UI should now display tires properly.

Ford GT GT3

– Season setups have been updated.

– Updated drivetrain inertias and stiffnesses to improve the responsiveness of the engines when blipping out of gear, and show some oscillation when shifting gears.

– Significant update to tire construction and compound. Setups will need to be updated both to pass tech and to extract performance from each car. We think this is a big step forward in over-the-limit feel of the tires, but are aware of the risk that the GT3 BoP will be upset. We will be looking to you for help in ensuring a good BoP for the race season ahead.

– New gear shift sounds have been added.

– Improved engine and transmission audio mix.

– This car in the Paint Kit UI should now display tires properly.

Ford Mustang FR500S

– Updated tire construction and compound aimed at better feel throughout the slip range.

Formula Renault 2.0

– Modified drivetrain inertia and stiffness properties to address downshift issues.

Global Mazda MX-5 Cup

– Updated tire construction and compound aimed at better feel throughout the slip range.

Holden Commodore VF V8

– Updated drivetrain inertias and stiffnesses to improve the responsiveness of the engines when blipping out of gear, and show some oscillation when shifting gears.

– Improved drivetrain, transmission, and idle noises.

– Fixed an issue where the rotor glow was displaying incorrectly at various speeds.


– Season setups have been updated.

– Updated tire construction and compound aimed at better over-the-limit feel. Also changed drivetrain inertias and stiffnesses.

Kia Optima

– Updated tire construction and compound aimed at better over-the-limit feel. Also tried to reign performance levels back down to more realistic levels (~2 seconds slower over a 1:20 lap) without compromising feel. ABS was re-calibrated to suit the tires. Drivetrain inertias and stiffnesses also updated to be more realistic.

Mazda MX-5 Cup circa 2015

– Updated tire construction and compound aimed at better feel throughout the slip range.

– Tires have been converted to use PBR shaders.

Mazda MX-5 Roadster circa 2015

– Updated tire construction and compound aimed at better feel throughout the slip range.

McLaren MP4-12C GT3

– Season setups have been updated.

– Significant update to tire construction and compound. Setups will need to be updated both to pass tech and to extract performance from each car. We think this is a big step forward in over-the-limit feel of the tires, but are aware of the risk that the GT3 BoP will be upset. We will be looking to you for help in ensuring a good BoP for the race season ahead.

– Audio mix for engine sounds has been improved.

McLaren MP4-30

– The MGU-K deployment has been updated. “Adaptive” mode has been replaced by “Optimized” mode. Our first implementation of an Optimized deployment strategy is speed dependent. Below a set speed, a constant, low-speed deployment value is used. Above that speed, a constant, high-speed deployment value is used. The low-speed deployment, transition speed, and high-speed deployment are set by the user (either in the Garage or via the F8 Black Box). High-speed deployment and transition speed may be mapped in the Controls section of the Options screen.

– – Please also note that we are working on our next iteration of Optimized deployment, which will take into account the car’s position on the racetrack.

– Updated the trigger for the rain light flashing when MGU-K deployment suddenly drops. The light will now flash whenever deployment drops by at least 80 kW while at full throttle (and not on the rev limiter.).

Mercedes-AMG GT3

– Season setups have been updated.

– Significant update to tire construction and compound. Setups will need to be updated both to pass tech and to extract performance from each car. We think this is a big step forward in an over-the-limit feel of the tires, but are aware of the risk that the GT3 BoP will be upset. We will be looking to you for help in ensuring a good BoP for the race season ahead.

– Improved engine sounds at lower RPM ranges.

Modified – SK

– Season setups have been updated.

NASCAR Camping World Chevrolet Silverado

– Season setups have been updated.

– Engine sounds and tire volume levels have been improved.

NASCAR Camping World Toyota Tundra

– Season setups have been updated.

– Engine sounds and tire volume levels have been improved.

NASCAR K&N Pro Chevrolet Impala

– Season setups have been updated.

– This car now uses PBR shaders.

NASCAR Nationwide Chevrolet Impala circa 2011

– Season setups have been updated.

NASCAR Sprint Cup Chevrolet SS

– Visually updated to match NASCAR’s 2017 ruleset.

– Contingency decals updated to meet the 2017 NASCAR season.

NASCAR Sprint Cup Ford Fusion

– Visually updated to match NASCAR’s 2017 ruleset.

– Contingency decals updated to meet the 2017 NASCAR season.

NASCAR Sprint Cup Toyota Camry

– Visually updated to match NASCAR’s 2017 ruleset. The car body is still the 2016 version; the 2017 body style is a work in progress.

– Contingency decals updated to meet the 2017 NASCAR season.

NASCAR Truck Series Chevrolet Silverado circa 2013

– Season setups have been updated.

– Engine sounds and tire volume levels have been improved.

NASCAR XFINITY Chevrolet Camaro

– Season setups have been updated.

– Contingency decals updated to meet the 2017 NASCAR season.


– Season setups have been updated.

– Contingency decals updated to meet the 2017 NASCAR season.


– Season setups have been updated.

– Contingency decals updated to meet the 2017 NASCAR season.

Pontiac Solstice

– Updated tire construction and compound aimed at better feel throughout the slip range.

Riley MkXX Daytona Prototype

– Season setups have been updated.

– Updated tire construction and compound aimed at better over-the-limit feel. Also changed drivetrain inertias and stiffnesses.

Ruf RT 12R C-Spec

– Tires updated to match the Porsche 991.2 GT3 Cup. Drivetrain inertias and stiffnesses also updated.

Ruf RT 12R Track

– Updated drivetrain inertias and stiffnesses to improve responsiveness of the engines when blipping out of gear, and show some oscillation when shifting gears.

– Significant update to tire construction and compound. Setups will need to be updated both to pass tech and to extract performance from each car. We think this is a big step forward in an over-the-limit feel of the tires, but are aware of the risk that the GT3 BoP will be upset. We will be looking to you for help in ensuring a good BoP for the race season ahead.

Sprint Car

– Season setups have been updated.

Street Stock

– Season setups have been updated.

– Slipstream drag reduction has been reduced slightly.

Super Late Model

– Season setups have been updated.

VW Jetta TDI Cup

– Updated tire construction and compound aimed at better feel throughout the slip range.


Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari

– Art updates have been made with a focus on improving performance, especially at Rivazza and Piratella.

– Caution lights are now functional.

The Bullring


– – The Bullring at Las Vegas Motor Speedway is racing’s answer to truth in advertising. Located a stone’s throw away from the big 1.5 mile superspeedway that hosts NASCAR’s big three national touring championships each year, The Bullring is an asphalt oval that’s short on distance (3/8 of a mile) and long on action.

Charlotte Motor Speedway

– (Road Course) – Several cones have been added to the apron areas to discourage driving there.

Daytona International Speedway

– (Road Course) – Several cones have been added to the apron areas to discourage driving there.

Sebring International Raceway

– Fixed an issue where cars sometimes appeared to float at certain areas on this track.

Official Webpage – iRacing.com
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Добавлено: 08.06.2017 16:11:50#16
И.Ф: Vadim Egorov
Возраст: 40
Сообщения: 3832
Спасибо сказали: 1071 раз(а)
Дата регистрации: 18.01.2010
Руль: Thrustmaster T300
Исполнительный вице-президент и исполнительный продюсер компании iRacing Стив Майерс официально подтвердил информацию о том, что 6-го июня виртуальный автопарк сервиса iRacing пополнится сразу двумя новыми автомобилями Ford GT-LM GTE и Ferrari 488 GTE.

Выпуск вышеобозначенных автомобилей состоится в преддверии одного из главных гоночных события – суточного марафона «24 часов Ле-Мана», который в этом году пройдет 17-18 июня. Сразу после выпуска Ford GT-LM GTE и Ferrari 488 GTE будут включены в официальную серию iRacing IMSA, вытеснив из нее все автомобили класса GT3, кроме Porsche 911 GT3 Cup.

Логично ожидать, что новые автомобили окажутся и на стартовом поле предстоящей гонки iRacing Le Mans 24. Старый Ford GT будет удален из списка участников, а компанию прототипу HPD ARX-01c составят два автомобиля класса GT1 – Chevrolet Corvette C6.R и Aston Martin DBR9, плюс два новых автомобиля класса GTE – Ford GT-LM и Ferrari 488.

Ford GT LM GTE стал лучшим в классе GT-LM в Ле-Мане в прошлом году, является флагманом группы Ford Performance и демонстрирует собой все лучшее, созданное компанией Ford за последнее время, включая аэродинамику, легкую конструкцию, состоящую из углеродного волокна и мощный двигатель Ford EcoBoost. В сезоне 2016/2017 команду Ford GT LM возглавляет Ford Chip Ganassi Racing как в IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship, так и в чемпионате FIA World Endurance.

19 июня 2016 года Ford GT Ford Chip Ganassi Racing под номером 68 занял 1-е место в 24 часах Ле-Мана в классе GTE-Pro. Отметив победой полувековой юбилей с того момента, года в 1966 году уже легендарные автомобили Ford GT40 финишировали на 1-й, 2-й и 3-й позиции.

Ferarri 488 GTE является прямым преемником Ferrari 458 GTE, который, вероятно, является самым успешным гоночным автомобилем, на капоте которого изображен гарцующий жеребец. Ferrari 488 GTE оснащен 3.9-литровым би-турбированным V8 двигателем F 154CB. Двигатель выдает 490 лошадей, которые передаются на задние колеса с помощью секвентальной 6-ступенчатой коробки передач Transversal.
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