Why does my sim look jagged, even with antialiasing enabled?
To put it simple, it's because of Nvidia and ATI's inability to fix their drivers, and probably ISI's fault for a bad graphics engine. This problem also affects your other favorite simulations, in varying degrees, such as Race on and GTR Evolution. Don't worry though, we can make it better.
Solutions in this first post only cover NVIDIA cards (as I own a few) and were acquired through trial and error by me and the many people in this thread. The steps outlined below are very straightforward, so it’s your fault if you somehow manage to make your computer catch on fire and explode into tiny bits.
Check this post and the latest replies for the best info. There are other ways to fix the AA not listed in this first post that may work for you too, especially if you have an ATI card.
(I'm currently eying a 5890, but it's pricey)
Which method shown below should I use?
A. “Method 1” is the quickest, simplest fix possible, and looks very good. The framerate is largely unaffected.
B. “Method 2” enables ridiculously high antialiasing and supersampling modes hidden from the Nvidia Control Panel. Use this if your computer is very fast and you want the best visual quality possible. Kill the jaggies!!!
Before you do anything, open up your sim's “Video and Language Options” program and set your "Full Scene Anti-aliasing" level to either “Level 2” or “ Level 4” depending upon how powerful your system is.
(other modes listed only work with ATI cards)
To find the "Video and Language Options” program:
Right click on Race 07 in your Steam games list to find “Video and Language Options”
For an offline install, it’s located in the game’s folder and start menu entry.
If you use the "Antialiasing - setting" option in the Nvidia Control Panel to set higher antialiasing settings that don't appear in the "Video and Language Options" program, remember to set the "Antialiasing - Mode" to "Enhance the application setting". If you use nHancer, make sure to click on the corresponding check box to enhance the application's antialiasing.
Method 1 - Nvida Control Panel
(easiest to do, quickest, works well for fast and slow video cards)
1. Enter the NVIDIA Control Panel (right click on the desktop and select it)
2. Click on "Manage 3D settings" in the left pane
3. Click the "Program Settings" tab
4. Select the game's profile "Race - The WTCC game (race_steam.exe)" for the Steam version,
or "Race07/Race On" for the offline version
5. Set “Anisotropic filtering” to “16x”
6. Set "Antialiasing - Transparency" to "Supersampling" (Higher Quality)
Or “Multisampling” (Lower Quality) Note: Quality affects game performance. Duh.
7. Set "Texture filtering - Negative LOD Bias" to "Clamp"
8. Set "Texture filtering - Quality" to "High quality"
9. Save your settings
10. Enjoy your sim!
Method 2 - nHancer (for higher AA modes and fast video cards)
1. Download, install, and run the Nvidia driver tweaking program, nHancer.
2. Select the game's profile "Race - The WTCC game (race_steam.exe)" for the Steam version,
or "Race07/Race On" for the offline version.
3. Use my nHancer settings… (my card is an Gigabyte GTX 280)
or you can use corresponding settings from Method 1 to start with.
The main reason to use nHancer is if you have a high end PC and graphics card, so can crank up the antialiasing and supersampling for an even better image quality!!!
A. nHancer does not have to run in the backround for the settings to work. Just change settings, then exit the program. You'll never have to open it again.
B. "Method 2" can enable higher AA and Supersampling modes not shown in the Nvidia Control Panel.
4. Enjoy your sim!
Thanks to all in this thread who have helped.
Tell your friends! Continue to post cool stuff!
My in Game Race on see picture
Sorry I no pro Russian language