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F1 2019 - Patch V1.20

Автор: Validamar 31.01.2020, Просмотрено: 1137, Категория: Codemasters

Codemasters выпустили обновление V1.20 для ПК-версии, официальной игры FIA Формулы-1 2019 года. Для более подробной информации, проверьте список изменений ниже. Юбилейное издание F1 2019 в настоящее время доступно в Steam по специальной промо-цене 27,49 €, а издание Legends Edition 2019 за 32,49 €.

V1.20 Changelog:

Safety car deployment frequency has been adjusted so that it is more likely to come out within race sessions.
Addressed an issue where the Logitech G29 rotary dial could not be assigned in a clockwise direction
Further stability fixes

Users can now save between sessions in private leagues.
Users can now add reserves in private leagues.

Addressed an issue where progress would not be saved in Practice 1 in Australia of a new career.
Addressed an issue where a selected team-mate would change if the user exited the game before completing Practice 1 in Australia of a new career
Addressed an issue where DNFs would incorrectly show with the fastest lap indicator in the season results tab
Addressed an issue where Butler and Weber would appear after skipping the F2 Feeder Series if the user quit in Practice 1 of Australia
User will now be warned before purchasing upgrades towards the end of a season if the department has experienced a regulation change

Addressed an issue where the camera selection would not save if selected in a multiplayer session

User can now enable the track map for the session they are spectating

Users can now manually navigate through the weekly event prizes

Официальная веб-страница - www.formula1-game.com

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