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F1 2019 - Update Patch V1.22

Автор: Validamar 08.03.2020, Просмотрено: 1156, Категория: Codemasters

Codemasters выпустил обновление V1.22 для официальной игры FIA Formula 1 World Championship 2019 года для PC. Для более подробной информации, проверьте список изменений в теме. Ежегодное издание F1 2019 в настоящее время доступно в Steam за 54,99 €, Legends Edition 2019 за 64,99 €.

V1.22 Changelog:


Radio language option has returned to the advanced audio options screen
Users will now see the speed they set in the speedtrap in practice sessions
Addressed an issue where the camera would reset when the game was started
User is now notified of their progress through a championship on the loading screen
User can now see if they are serving a penalty during a pitstop
Front wing damage threshold has been reduced in practice and qualifying sessions to include minor physical damage
Addressed an issue where the safety car could appear in One-Shot Qualifying in online sessions
Maximum Vehicle Reflections setting reduced from ‘Ultra High’ to ‘High’ for stability

Addressed an issue where users could not submit results if they didn’t enter qualifying 2 or 3 with saving between sessions enabled
Addressed an issue where a scheduled league could become stuck in an old event
Addressed an issue where a league could become stuck if abandoning a practice or qualifying session with saving between sessions enabled

Официальная веб-страница - www.formula1-game.com

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