Команда моддеров DRM выпустили обновленную версию мода DRM Reviva v1.3 для гоночного симулятора Assetto Corsa. Этот чрезвычайно популярный мод представляет виртуальную версию потрясающей серии Deutsche Rennsport Meisterschaft Gruppe 5 Touring и Sportscar с конца 70-х и начала 80-х.
Changelog Update V1.3
please delete the previous version of the DRM REVIVAL MOD
check the driver eye position
All Cars:
PHYSICS: corrections at the upshift and downshift algorithm to force the driver for more precise gear changes
PHYSICS: clutch becomes slippy when you incorrectly shift gears during acceleration in the high rpm range
PHYSICS: reworked rain tires
PHYSICS: AI will not choose the rain tire in the practice/race sessions anymore
PHYSICS: some improvements at the setup menu (range, step, min and max values)
PHYSICS: unique wear curve for the rain tire
PHYSICS: added camber lut table for all cars (strut, double wishbone, life axle )
PHYSICS: add the parameter [VIRTUAL_KM] to all tires.ini to calculate the accurate wear.
– Now you’ll have tires on the more loaded side of the car wear differently than the one on the inside
PHYSICS: increase tire grip for new tires to 98% (before 96.5), 100% grip at [VIRTUAL_KM] = 1
PHYSICS: more stable tire at higher temperatures
PHYSICS: add the parameter [EXPLOSION] to all tires.ini. At 180 Celsius, the tires will blow
PHYSICS: corrections at the rim radius and tire width
PHYSICS: optimizing the collision model
GRAPHICS: added smoke exhaust for each car (when using the shader patch)
GRAPHICS: decrease headlight brightness in cockpit view for a night session
GRAPHICS: reduced the OnBoard_Exposure to 16
GRAPHICS: same value for the exposure value for the dash cam
GRAPHICS: new shader for headlight glass
GRAPHICS: reworked driver model arm animation during shifting sequences
SOUNDS: fixed wrong distance parameters
New Cars:
Introducing the new RMT 121 “low-rise” model 1979. (RMT 121 1/2)
Introducing the new RMT 121 “low-rise” model 1980. (RMT 121 3)
RMT 120 1/2:
GRAPHICS: fixed the banner bug
GRAPHICS: fixed the wiper animations
SOUND: fixed missing sound files
PHYSICS: increase FFB-Multi
GRAPHICS: view through the rear air intake fixed
GRAPHICS: fixed the banner bug
GRAPHICS: fixed the wiper animations
RMT 1001 1/2:
PHYSICS: set the STEER_ASSIST to 1.0 (old value 0.8)
GRAPHICS: fixed the wrong livery logo skins RC_89
PHYSICS: reworked aerodynamics of the body
PHYSICS: adjustments of gear ratio, final ratio, tire load, brake torque, engine, power, and car weight (please check your saved setup)
PHYSICS: close the gap to the other DIV 1 cars and make the 1N more driveable
GRAPHICS: fixed the damaged mapping in the cockpit wires
GRAPHICS: fixed the banner bug
GRAPHICS: fixed the wiper animations
CARMA 1/2:
PHYSICS: improvements for the optimal brake temp window
PHYSICS: little more brake torque
PHYSICS: modified front tire
PHYSICS: more bhp
GRAPHICS: texture improvements
GRAPHICS: fixed the banner bug
PHYSICS: due to the rear life axle, the options in the setup for toe and camber has been removed.
GRAPHICS: fixed this banner bug
PHYSICS: corrected the different min and max value for the spring in the setup menu
PHYSICS: due to the rear life axle, the options in the setup for toe and camber have been removed.
PHYSICS: modified steering rod position
GRAPHICS: fixed the damaged mapping in the cockpit wires
GRAPHICS: fixed the wiper animations
PHYSICS: corrected weight (found the correct technical data)
PHYSICS: decrease brake torque
GRAPHICS: switch the engine 2D texture into a 3D model for the LOD C
GRAPHICS: fixed the banner b
HYSICS: 0.1 bar more turbo boost
PHYSICS: modified power curve and rpm limit
PHYSICS: harder suspension basic setup (please check your saved setup)
PHYSICS: decrease brake torque
PHYSICS: final drive shorter from 3.6 to 3.7 (please check your saved setup )
PHYSICS: corrected weight (found the correct technical data)
GRAPHICS: witch the engine 2D texture into a 3D model for the LOD C
GRAPHICS: fixed the banner bug
PHYSICS: due to the rear life axle, the options in the setup for toe and camber have been removed.
GRAPHICS: reworked aluminum steering wheel texture
GRAPHICS: fixed the banner bug
Official Webpage – www.drm-modding-team.com