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RaceRoom - Update v0.9.3.99

Автор: Validamar 03.03.2022, Просмотрено: 771, Категория: RaceRoom


Sector3 Studios выпустила обновление v0.9.3.99 для игры RaceRoom Racing Experience, весом в 308 MB. Последний выпуск содержит множество улучшений, и исправлений. Проверьте полный список в теме, для более подробной информации.
Update details:
Download size = 308 MB
Client version =
Client BuildID = 8294739
Dedi version = 80.0.1359
Dedi BuildID = 8294769

Multiplayer - Fixed a mismatch in slot ID’s when one of the slots has left the server, causing the creation of uninitialized slots further down. (possibly fixing some cases of gaps in position bar, missing cars, cars underground)
Multiplayer - Spectator client: further fixes for dedi/client slotorder mismatches, causing some cars to not show in spectator overlays (and possibly fixing other cases of gaps in position bar)
Multiplayer - Spectator client: When joining a session in progress and after a player left the server, the ranking order should no longer contain any gap. (possibly fixing even more cases of gaps in position bar)
Multiplayer - Spectator client: DNF and DQ status are now properly displayed on the ranking tower.
Multiplayer - Spectator client: Fixed a case where the garage menu could sometimes be shown when hanging about for too long after a race ended.
Paul Ricard - Fixed HUD trackmaps

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