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СЛЕДУЮЩАЯ ГОНКА: TOURING CLASS BTCC (2024) на треке Monza Вторник 22 Октября. ПРЕДСТОЯЩИЕ ГОНКИ: TOURING CLASS BTCC (2024) на треке Knockhill Вторник 29 Октября.

rFactor 2 - Q2 2023 Update

Автор: Validamar 17.05.2023, Просмотрено: 732, Категория: rFACTOR-2


Привет, сим-гонщики, у нас есть захватывающее обновление сборки 2023 Q2, которое только что было выпущено для вас! Проверьте полный список в теме, для более подробной информации.

Fixed game crashes caused by corrupt shader compiles
Fixed freeze on startup when offline with auto updates enabled
Fixed game locking up after changing resolution
Fixed a rare crash when an object has texture shadows casting but no textures assigned to the material
Adjusted the way Trackside TV displays enable/disable to stop crashes for some users.
Fixed game resetting to lowest resolution instead of desktop resolution when there is invalid data in the config file.
Fixed Track Limits not giving time to return place when passing another car after returning to track when gaining time.
Disabled depth buffering on driver labels to fix clipping issues

Fixed energy consumption and power output mismatch on electric cars.
Added check on temporary boost to not over-ride P2P
Fixed battery data not always exported to telemetry plugins
Disable [PLUGIN] section to be overridden in upgrades
Fixed electric cars shifting to neutral when braking with auto-shift on.

Fixed HUD Message Centre text and LED Icons rendering at wrong resolutions at non HUD native resolutions.
Fix for Track Limits display overlapping Flag Icons on Default HUD
Fixed ModDev deployment of HUD so choice can be changed in menu.
Fixed Track Limits dialogue not showing text in ModDev.
Removed Encryption from HUD mas files.
Fixed some issues with cockpit readout icons rendering
Fixed boost map not showing on Cockpit Display

Fixed AI not shifting properly when using the old engine format
Fixed AI behaviour during Full Course Yellow including:
Fixed AI randomly slowing down
Fixed AI order during FCY if cars exit the pits before the leader crosses the line
General FCY track order fixes
During FCY, AI now follow the correct line
Fixed AI minimum speed during FCY, so they won’t come to a full stop even if the car they should be following is behind
Fixed some situations in which AI would force themselves to drive too fast during safety car conditions, causing them to overtake
Fixed AI sometimes slamming the brakes when crossing the line for the first time during FCY
Fixed small AI throttle spikes during formation laps and FCY
Fixes for AI behaviour on formation laps including:
Fixed formation lap speeds so AI can catch up properly
Fixed formation laps getting messed up on some circuits
Fixed AI attempting to shift in reverse when standing on the grid waiting for the car ahead to go if formation is done by position rather than relative
Improved AI obstacle avoidance including:
AI no longer rejoin onto the racing line infront of other cars, especially if they are spun on track
Improved AI ability to avoid obstacles on track
Reintroduced emergency obstacle avoidance for very unexpected obstacles
Fixed some issues with AI mispredicting movement of other cars, causing them to collide
Fixed AI not giving up position when they get pushed off the road
Fixed a small issue causing minor AI pedal input oscillations
Fixed a bug in AI acceleration and brake prediction, causing them to be either overly aggressive or overly cautious in corners
Fixed issues where cars would struggle to line up on the grid or enter their pit boxes on certain tracks
Fixed a crash in AIW creation
AI will no longer attempt to aggressively overtake around the outside
Nighttime will no longer cause AI to drive very slow
Added optional HDV defines to prevent AI from flipping over:

Formula E Gen3 2023
New throttle map to give more precision, especially at higher RPM
Added Mahindra rims
Fixed Penske #1 alpha channel

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Версия для печати
Похожие публикации
16.12.2013 - rFactor - Honda NSX
30.03.2014 - rFACTORr 2 - Karts

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